Add Graphic Background A Application Dev C++

Hi pals,
I am a Newbie in C++ Programming field. I plan to add graphics.h header class in
Dev -C++ Version from Bloodshed which is come along with Borland Compiler.
I follow the Steps in URL :

But I Got Error in the Sample code which test the Working , Please Help me
to get away from this problem . I am waiting to hear from you.

Anes P.A:'(

Add graphic background a application dev c pdf
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  • commentLatest Postby leonesaLatest Post

How do you add a background image in c? I use dev-c as my compiler and i don't know how to add a background image instead of having it just black. I can do graphics in Dev- C. I am using Dev-C.:). Just follow the instructions carefully and do not forget to put linkers. You can't do a graphics by making a new source file. You need to do a new project to put linkers. Yes, but you are not using the 16-bit functions that are. There are 16 colors declared in C Graphics. We use colors to set the current drawing color, change the color of background, change the color of text, to color a closed shape etc. To specify a color, we can either use color constants like setcolor(RED), or their corresponding integer codes like setcolor(4). Below is the color code in increasing.

Graphics In Dev C++ Download


Dev C++ Graphics Tutorial

You can't. graphics.h is not compatible with Dev-C++

Dev C++ Graphics Code

You can't draw images in console. You can however change the font/ background color.
The wrong way:
system('color fc'); sets text color as red and background color as white. Note that color will be changed i the whole console. Also, system isn't quite save.
The windows way:
SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0xfc); same color, but now, only text printed after this function was called will be colored. This allows multiple colors.
And now I'll explain how the colors work. You'll probably just google which color is which, but you migt find this interesting. Attribute is kept in a byte. 4 bits for background and 4 for text color. To represent this color hexadecimal numbers are used, since one hex digit represents 4 bits. For example 0x07. 0 is background color (black) and 7 is text color (gray).
If you write the 4 bits in binary they represent red, green and blue components. The first bit indicates whether the color is bright or dark.
0100 -> 0x4 -> dark red
1100 -> 0xC -> bright red
0111 -> 0x7 -> dark white (gray)
1000 -> 0x8 -> bright black (also gray, but slightly darker)
1101 -> 0xD -> bright purple
0001 -> 0x1 -> dark blue
and so on...
If you want a complete list of colors. A good place to find it is to write 'help color' in cmd.