Dev-c++ Corrupt Dev Project File


Dec 23, 2008  Mainly, because templates are solved at compile time and when talking about C templates you wouldn't think about using them externally. However, I came up with an idea of combining dynamic classes and templates which, in my opinion, makes the whole Dynamic C proposal most interesting. Dynamic templates can be declared in two ways.

Dev-c++ Corrupt Dev Project File

Dev-c++ Corrupt Dev Project File Free


Dev-c++ Corrupt Dev Project File 2016

P: n/a
On 2006-05-25 16:08, su***** wrote:
On Thu, 25 May 2006 12:16:27 +0200, Einar Forselv <en****>
su***** wrote:
i run dev c++ gcc 3.4.2 windows xp family

A bit OT, but you should rather move to Code::Blocks (Also called
'Dev-C++ 2' by some). Dev-C++ have been a dead project for 2(?) years now. - They have an active forum and a wiki.

thank you for this information. More generally, i need an c/c++ free
ide/compiler, a friend told me dev c++, it seems outdated. Which
advice could you give me apart of Code::Blocks ?
thank you in advance

There is always the Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express if you don't mind it
being Microsoft and don't want a light-weight development environment.
More info:
Erik Wikström
'I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure
out how to use my telephone' -- Bjarne Stroustrup