Hollywood Strings Download Vst

Deep woven strings

Tum Leap Hollywood Strings library, and need to open the manual for the PLAY System as well, go to any chapter title page and click on the link that says, “Click on this text. EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP HOLLYWOOD STRINGS The EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Strings.

Vertigo Strings is an inspiring innovative string library for HALion created by Cinematique Instruments that goes far beyond the organic string sound. Essentially Vertigo Strings is a mélange of 16 meticulously selected sounds and instruments which can be mixed freely to fulfill your creative vision in an intuitive and easy way.

Vertigo Strings in action

The included 15 presets give you a powerful set of sounds to provide an advanced starting point, even if you sketch a new idea.

  1. Free vst instruments to download: best free strings vst plug-ins to download that will enrich your work space with strings sounds.
  2. HOLLYWOOD STRINGS production team includes 2019 GRAMMY WINNER 'Best Engineered Album, Classical', ACADEMY AWARD, C.A.S. (Cinema Audio Society), BAFTA, and EMMY award.

Walkthrough Vertigo Strings

Vertigo Strings is a melting pot for the creation of new sounds — explore in this in-depth tutorial how you can make use of the intuitive user interface.

The concept of Vertigo Strings

Vertigo Strings is the collection of 16 different and interesting sound sources. On the one hand, Vertigo Strings provides a gamut of articulations for violins, violas, celli, or an upright bass, ranging from fragile ponticello pianissimo and regular arco playing to harmonics and raw legato recordings. On the other hand, there are bowed guitars, tape recordings, a warm synth string patch as well as a vintage harmonium and much more.

Overall you get

  • 4 different violins (ponticello-pianissimo, arco, draft, harmonics)
  • 1 arco viola
  • 2 celli (ponticello-pianissimo, harmonics)
  • 2 upright basses (draft, arco)
  • a bowed guitar, psaltery, and a vintage harmonium
  • a synth string patch, resampled Zilhouette Strings, tape machine re-recorded strings and bowing noises

Additional information

For support on the library, please contact: Cinematique Instruments

For support on the installation or HALion, please visit the Steinberg Helpcenter

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Home >Virtual Instruments >Strings >Hollywood Strings Diamond


EastWest: Stay at Home Sale - 60% OFF the list price, all products included!

Valid through April 20th.


Computer Music, 4,5 stars

$ 159.60

EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP announces HOLLYWOOD STRINGS virtual (software) instrument — a collection of string instruments with unprecedented control over sound and performance.

The boxed/shipping version will be delivered on an external USB 3.0 hard drive for fast and easy installation!

Recording for HOLLYWOOD STRINGS took place at the famous EASTWEST STUDIO 1, the same studio where many Hollywood soundtracks and television themes were recorded with a live orchestra. Heading this project were co-producers DOUG ROGERS, NICK PHOENIX and THOMAS BERGERSEN and sound engineer SHAWN MURPHY.

Joining Rogers and Phoenix as co-producer on HOLLYWOOD STRINGS is Thomas Bergersen, a highly respected composer and orchestrator, and Phoenix’s partner in trailer music company Two Steps From Hell. His extensive experience in composing for orchestras and with virtual orchestras made him a perfect fit for the multi award-winning team of Rogers and Phoenix.


Shawn Murphy, is an ACADEMY AWARD, C.A.S. (Cinema Audio Society), BAFTA, and EMMY award-winning sound engineer who has recorded and mixed the scores for more than 300 feature films including Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: A Musical Journey, Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park The Lost World, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Titanic, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Bourne Ultimatum, Minority Report, Saving Private Ryan, Munich, The Passion Of The Christ, X-Men: The Last Stand, Memoirs of a Geisha and Ice Age.

“Murphy was an obvious choice for this project; who better to obtain that quintessential Hollywood sound other than someone with his credits,” says Rogers. “HOLLYWOOD STRINGS looks to expand on the success we achieved with EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA by providing a perfect large scoring stage sound and a more intimate scoring stage sound with divisi capability.”

Hollywood Strings Download Vst Free

“The sound of these virtual strings are as good as it gets,” says Phoenix. “We have one of the top sound engineers in the business, a famous and beautiful sounding recording studio, the most incredible selection of microphones available, the best analog and digital recording equipment, and top Hollywood string players - how could we go wrong?”

“I´ve used many virtual orchestras over the last decade, including some I developed with other composers, and some I developed myself. With each new development, I got one step closer to my ideal compositional tool.” says Bergersen. “HOLLYWOOD STRINGS includes features that I consider necessary if you want to create realistic orchestral strings on your DAW.”

HOLLYWOOD STRINGS has many groundbreaking features not found in any other collection. Finger position is, for the first time, controllable by the user, so you can play as far up the strings as you want, and get a fuller more romantic Hollywood sound. Vibrato intensity and extensive dynamics are controllable by the user. Extensive multi-dynamic true legato has been sampled for all sections in three different categories: slurred, portamento, and bow change. This results in unsurpassed legato performance that has never been available. HOLLYWOOD STRINGS has five user-controllable mic positions, including main pickup (Decca tree), mid pickup, close pickup, surround pickup, and an alternate vintage circa 1945 RCA ribbon room pickup.

Hollywood Strings Download Vst

HOLLYWOOD STRINGS offers unprecedented control over sound and performance, and is a must have compositional tool for serious composers.


  • Recorded in the famous EASTWEST STUDIOS 1
  • Neve 8078 mixing console
  • Meitner ADC converters
  • 5 user-mixable microphone positions (use as sound options):
    - Main - Decca tree (Neumann M50s) and Brauner VM1 KHE (Klaus Heyne Edition) outriggers
    - Mid - Neumann KMi, Neumann KM 254, Sony C37A, Neumann U-47
    - Close - AKG C12, Neumann U47, Neumann U67, Nordic Audio Labs NU-47
    - Surround - Neumann KM 83
    - Alternate Room - Vintage RCA44 Ribbon
  • Convolution reverbs include new impulses from Quantum Leap Spaces. These include soundstages and halls from Southern California.


  • Multiple finger positions for all sections including open strings
  • 3 unique styles of legato interval sampling, including never-before-sampled bow change legato, slurred legato, and portamento sliding legato, sampled at 3, 3 and 2 dynamics respectively, all with speed control. That´s 8 passes of legato intervals, all sampled in long format so each note has time to breath. Basses only have slurred legato.
  • Up- and down-bowed sustains, all at 4 finger positions, at least one full octave on each string:
  • Extensive runs
  • Playable runs
  • Spiccato runs for violins
  • Other articulations:
    - Bartók pizzicato
    - Col legno
    - Detaché up and down bows with finger positions and 4 dynamics
    - Flautando for violins
    - Harmonics for violins
    - Marcato short, 3 dynamics, round-robin x4
    - Marcato long, 3 dynamics, round-robin x4
    - Measured tremolo, 4 dynamics
    - On-the-string staccato, 4 dynamics, round-robin x8
    - Pizzicato, 4 dynamics, round-robin x4
    - Repetitions, 3 dynamics
    - Ricochet, 3 dynamics, round-robin x2
    - Spiccato, 4 dynamics, round-robin x9
    - Staccatissmo, 4 dynamics, round-robin x16
    - Staccato, 4 dynamics, round-robin x9
    - Slurred staccato for violins, 4 dynamics, round-robin x9
    - Sul ponticello tremolo for violas
    - Tremolo, 4 dynamics
    - Trills (major and minor), 3 dynamics
  • Sordino effect available for all patches
  • Release trails for everything
  • Custom Python scripting

All sections were sampled with wide extended ranges including almost 4 octaves for violins.

  • 5 mic positions plus divisi spot mics
    - 16 1st Violins (9/7 divisi mode)
    - 14 2nd Violins (8/6 divisi mode)
    - 10 Violas (6/4 divisi mode)
    - 10 Cellos (6/4 divisi mode)
    - 7 Basses (4/3 divisi mode)

Content: 310GB



Eastwest hat mal wieder bewiesen, was alles möglich ist. Hier handelt es sich ganz klar um ein Luxusprodukt der besonderen Art. Jeder Komponist/Arrangeur bekommt hier Artikulationen und detaillierte Möglichkeiten an die Hand, die andere Produkte nicht anbieten und auch nicht anbieten wollen, da sie andere Konzepte verfolgen. Somit wird auch klar, dass sich das Produkt an professionelle Komponisten/Arrangeure wendet, die für sich zusätzlich den Traum erfüllen wollen, auch über den typischen Hollywoodstreicher-Klang hinaus für sich privat ein Produkt zu besitzen, welches sich klanglich für mich persönlich am dichtesten an die Realität des Streicherklanges heran kommt. Für 1425 Euro erhält man 'nur' ein Streichorchester, kein komplettes Orchester und bewegt sich damit im teueren Anschaffungsbereich. Beim Erstellen von Scores hat man dafür aber die Qual der Wahl, ob man es nun ein bisschen weicher klingen lassen möchte oder lieber morgen noch einmal reinhört und sich doch für die etwas frischer klingende Artikulation entscheidet. Eine 16 Bit Version für den halben Preis von 599 Euro ist schon angekündigt für Rechnersysteme, die nicht so große technischen Anforderungen erfüllen können.

•exzellenter Klang
•komplexe Powerful System Patches
•übersichtliche GUI
•hervorragende Skripte

•sehr hoher CPU Anspruch
•hohe Anschaffungskosten
•lange Ladezeiten
•kleinere Bugs in der Play-Engine

Hollywood Strings Vst

Computer Music, 4,5 stars

This library includes the latest 'PLAY' Sample Player!

Minimum requirements Mac
* Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.1GHz or higher
* Mac OS X 10.7
* 7200 RPM or faster (non energy saving) hard drive for sample streaming

Recommended system Mac
* Mac Pro Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.66GHz or higher
* 8GB RAM or more
* SSD (Solid State Drive) for sample streaming

Minimum requirements PC
* Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Dual Core 2.1GHz or higher
* mindestens Windows 7
* Sound card with ASIO drivers
* 7200 RPM or faster (non energy saving) hard drive for sample streaming

Recommended system PC
* Intel Core 2 Quad or AMD Quad-Core 2.66GHz or higher
* 8GB RAM or more
* 64-bit Windows/Host Sequencer
* Sound card with ASIO drivers
* SSD (Solid State Drive) for sample streaming

Hollywood Strings Download Vst Free

All systems
* iLok required (not included), internet connection required for one-time product activation (a free soundsonline.com account is required for retrieving and managing iLok licenses)
* Hard disk space for libray content
* DVD Drive

IMPORTANT: Some of the largest patches (in the 'Powerful System' folders) can take up to 1GB of RAM to load per mic position, and are intended for systems that meet the recommended specs. 'Light' versions of these patches are included for slower systems.

This product requires an activation!
You can either 'soft' activate on your computer without addditional hardware or transfer the license to an iLok USB dongle which has to be purchased separately. The iLok dongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok Licence Manager. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.

Orchestral Strings Vst

An internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at www.ilok.com is required to authorize the product.