How Do We Apply Using Decimals In Dev C++

How to use setprecision in C. Ask Question. If i dont want to do a cout. Just want to set the precision of num1 to 3 decimal places. How do I do that? – ProgrammerOfGalaxies Jul 8 '18 at 22:12 show 1 more comment. When should we not do a post-doc after a Ph.D.? Use fixed floating-point notation Sets the floatfield format flag for the str stream to fixed. When floatfield is set to fixed, floating-point values are written using fixed-point notation: the value is represented with exactly as many digits in the decimal part as specified by the precision field (.

I am new to C++, but I have some knowledge in Java.
What my program does is, the program asks the user two numbers. The user could only select, one, two, or zero. Then the user would select an arithmetic operator: plus, minus, times, divide. I figured everything out except the division part.
When the user select one divide by two, the answer should come out as 0.5, but it comes out as 0. All three variables are int values, so I would need to convert them into a float or a double. But how would I cast them? I've tried doing this, float(number1), and many more similar to that, but it wouldn't work.

How Do We Apply Using Decimals In Dev C In Excel


How Do We Apply Using Decimals In Dev C Free

Edited by chudapati09: n/a
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  • commentLatest Postby Stefano MtangooLatest Post

Stefano Mtangoo455

dividing integers truncates the decimal part, one or both of them should be float/double depending on precision of data.

Take a simple arithmetic problem: what's left over when you divide 11 by 3? Theanswer is easy to compute: divide 11 by 3 and take the remainder: 2. But howwould you compute this in a programming language like C or C++? It's not hardto come up with a formula, but the language provides a built-in mechanism, themodulus operator ('%'), that computes the remainder that results fromperforming integer division.Dev
The modulus operator is useful in a variety of circumstances. It is commonlyused to take a randomly generated number and reduce that number to a randomnumber on a smaller range, and it can also quickly tell you if one number is afactor of another.
If you wanted to know if a number was odd or even, you could use modulus toquickly tell you by asking for the remainder of the number when divided by 2.The key line is the one that performs the modulus operation: 'num % 2 0'.A number is even if and only if it is divisible by two, and a number isdivisible by another only if there is no remainder.
How could you use modulus to write a program that checks if a number is prime?
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